Affiliate Marketing Secrets
Today, we can easily create own web site. As long as you have a Computer Access Internet, You will be able to access sites such as Google, using them to provide web site design templates to create a simple personal website. The website will assign you a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to store the content on your page, while also adding some of these sites want to advertise advertising. In this way, only one or two hours of your pages on the Internet in!
But how to make your site to achieve more function? How to use it profitable traffic to your site? If you are an online affiliate, how do you attract people to your site to buy things? A can simultaneously satisfy the above two kinds of needs and is quite popular method is to Affiliate Marketing (Affiliate Program). This article will introduce what is affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing principles apply to the object and how to use affiliate marketing to make your site benefit from.
What is Affiliate Marketing or Affiliate Site?
Affiliate marketing is also called Affiliate Marketing Network (Associate Program), the Affiliate Web site (Online Merchant Web Site) and the affiliated Web site (Affiliate Web Site) an agreement reached between. Stipulated in the agreement, the latter providing the former users, the former to the latter to pay a commission for this. The affiliated sites to place links to business sites, and in accordance with the two sides agreed to receive advertising in return for payment of fees. Returns are generally disbursed in accordance with the adoption Affiliates (Affiliate) sites the number of visitors into the affiliate Web site or a purchase or other acts of the number of customers to be calculated.
Some are also in accordance with the affiliated Web site to access the affiliate Web site banner ads (Banner Ad) to calculate the number of people. Basically, as long as the affiliate merchant site members can give to bring passenger flow or earnings, business web site, which will be in accordance with agreement between the parties to pay a certain remuneration. The recruitment of affiliates (Recruiting Affiliate) is not only a good way to conduct online sales, but also is a cheap and efficient marketing strategy. In addition, it is a good choice of site promotion.
Affiliate marketing, at least the following three:
* Customer
* Affiliated sites
* Merchant Website
In 1996, Amazon (, CEO and founder JeffBezos (Jeff Bezos) to make affiliate marketing as a network marketing strategy to spread open. Amazon On-line commitment, in accordance with referral and affiliate sites to purchase books or other commodities, the number of profit-sharing commission, in order to attract affiliate website point to Amazon books for sale online, or link. The affiliated sites help only sold by Amazon's other things to do online, including: taking orders, collection, shipped to customers. The results of this strategy victory need more than 500,000 Web site to join them.
Currently, affiliate marketing has been an increasing number of website used by a variety of forms. For many none core E-business the websites to become an affiliate member is engaged in a good way of e-commerce.
Affiliate Program, paid model
Affiliate marketing there are three models of payment:
* Pay according to sales (Based on sales to pay): Amazon's online affiliate marketing program that is paid by sales of a typical example. In such a pay model, only when a customer through the affiliate link to visit the merchant web site members and produce the actual purchase, the affiliate Web site will pay to affiliates. Some merchants, like Amazon, the same line, according to a certain percentage of sales paid; there are also some merchants for each product sold will be paid a certain amount.
* Pay-per-click (The amount of pay-per-click): In this payment model, the affiliate Web site under the affiliate website and click on the link to point to the number of visitors to the affiliate membership fee. Visitors do not need to buy any commodity, but also from affiliate sites log on to the affiliate website and conduct after the act has nothing to do with the Member Web site.
* According to the number of pay-to guide (According to guide the number of payments): Click here to pay-mode operation of the business according to the completion of guidance (i.e., fills out and submits a form) the number of visitors to the affiliate membership fee. This means that the completion of a affiliate site requires visitors to fill out the information, which information can be used as a affiliate Web site sales leads, or as sales leads to sell other companies.
There are also some other payment model. Basically, the affiliate marketing program, merchants will select their best behavior as a basis for payment, and then transfer to their affiliate sites the occurrence of this behavior, the number of clients paid to affiliated members.
Several basic pay in the above model, derived from some other more prevailing payment mode:
* Two-tier affiliate program(Two-Tier Program): two-tier affiliate program structure and Amway, Avon and other companies used in multi-layer direct marketing (also known as "network marketing", is a development on behalf of salespeople and commissioned salespeople sell and profit from marketing) is similar to the organizational structure. In this payment model, affiliate membership is not only the sales from its Web site, click on or get a commission to guide behavior, but also its development, and point to cascade under the affiliate Web site is a member of sales, clicks or get a commission to guide behavior.
* The residual income affiliate program(Residual Program): This affiliate program provided that if the members from the affiliate web site visitors to enter the affiliate Web site to purchase products at the affiliate Web site or services, a continuous, affiliate members can thus continues to be a commission. Many customers get from regular income (such as monthly service fee charged) of online merchants to use more of this affiliate program.
In addition, there are a few shows by the number of affiliate programs pay. The implementation of these programs (also known as pay-per-view program of visits) companies only in view of its banner ads the visitors visits to the Member to pay a commission. This pattern often does not fully equipped with the structure of affiliate marketing, just as a traditional advertising and marketing to operate. Compared with traditional advertising, affiliate network marketing advantage only when an affiliate member of the business produced the desired results, the merchant fees are allowed.
While the advertisers, the traditional advertising (for example, that you see on television advertising and a number of banner ads on the Internet) and risk is relatively larger. Because in the traditional advertising model, they do the ads cost effectiveness is uncertain. If your ad is greater than the benefits to the company advertising costs, advertising even if successful; but if the benefits of advertising than advertising costs, the company can only resign to fate. In affiliate marketing, online business is only valid when paid in the ad. Thus, significantly reduced the risk of advertisers. It is precisely because of this, one would like to contract for advertising sites, in order to join affiliate marketing is far more direct way of advertising is much easier to find advertisers.
How to manage affiliate marketing or affiliate software?
Conceptually speaking, affiliate marketing, it seems quite simple; However, to ensure its smooth operation, people need to do a lot of work behind the scenes. In order to truly grasp the affiliate members of the commission amount, the need for someone to track websites visited by members of the actual situation of a affiliate website.
According to the different payment models may need to determine:
* Affiliate membership in a particular site and click to enter the number of merchant sites
* Members through an affiliate site links into the affiliate website and on the website shopping or perform other acts of the expected number of clients
* In the affiliate members of the website of a affiliate website published the number of banner ads
In addition, merchants and affiliate tracking between members of the original agreement to ensure that the latter received a deserved commission.
Whether a merchant Web site to recruit affiliates, or affiliates to identify interested in affiliate marketing programs are a lot of work needs to be done. However, there are still many companies that take the time to personally manage members are quite worth it, therefore, as tirelessly as the Amazon, the pro-force into it. Although these companies the entire process of marketing the program and in full control of the commission paid on time, they are still able to attract a large number of franchisees.
Because their conditions of membership in terms of a zero risk or zero cost, that is, affiliates can link to websites to make money just doing a good job. However, for many sites, recruiting members, or join an affiliate business websites are pieces of time-consuming and laborious task. Web site owners and many have little confidence in the commission calculation of the amount of commercial sites.
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